Seite 2: Neuer Patch für Red Dead Redemption 2 soll Abstürze verhindern

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Patch Notes

  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when changing Windows audio devices/settings while the game was running
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when launching the game after switching between Vulkan and DirectX 12
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when graphical settings were changed and applied while close to the VRAM limit
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash during loading screens when launching Story Mode or Red Dead Online
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when attempting to quit the game
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when switching between several input devices
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash during gameplay when using keyboard and mouse controls
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when transitioning between Story Mode and Red Dead Online
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash when entering Photo Mode while the player was in cinematic camera mode
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a crash during certain weather conditions on systems with multiple graphics cards
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in graphical errors and other instability when using Vulkan with multiple graphics cards
  • Improvements to address an issue that resulted in a random crash during gameplay when using DirectX 12
  • Improvements to address issues that resulted in random crashes during gameplay in Story Mode and Red Dead Online

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