Seite 2: Kaputtes Warframe-Event sorgt wieder für Ärger - Schuld hat eine Katze

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Scarlet Spear will be extended by 1 week due to the early launch issues. April 28 is the new End Date for Scarlet Spear on PC and it will be extended today.

Second: Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring will be increased - which means Scarlet Credit earning has been increased!

Before: Ground Assault missions started at 5 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 2295 points by round 17.
After: Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by round 17!

Before: Murex Raids started at 10 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 1875 by Murex 5.
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

Scoring Calculation Issues:

Earlier today / we released a revised scoring post with the following details:
Ground Assault missions started at 8 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 4104 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids now start at 12 Points per Kill Code, reaching a possible 3888 by Murex 5!

However, players are receiving a 2820 and 3672 for Space and Ground respectively. While this is still an increase from before, it is not the amount we announced.
The correct numbers in the next Hotfix will be:
After: Ground Assault missions will reach a possible 4131 points by Round 17!
After: Murex Raids missions will reach a possible 3960 by Murex 5!

We sincerely apologize for another day of unintended scoring results, and this will be fixed next Hotfix. We know this has been confusing and we regret that we've caused so many misunderstandings due to calculation errors.

Third: Rare and Legendary Arcanes coming this week!

We have added the Rare and Legendary Arcanes to Little Duck's Trade for 2000 Credits Per Rare and 4000 Credits Per Legendary. This will launch in the next Hotfix with the above Scoring changes.

Fourth: More fixes in progress + Sentients + Limbo tweak!

The formatting of bug reports here is very helpful for us and we appreciate the continued reports as we work on more fixes:

Additionally, we wanted to provide notice that we are tweaking the way Limbo's Stasis works with Sentients to account for the numerous reports we've seen on how much the event is trivialized by this power.
Limbo's Stasis duration now has diminishing returns on Sentients and Amalgams when the power is used repeatedly. This choice was made for 2 main reasons:

1) Limbo's Stasis usage makes the gameplay of the Scarlet Spear far too trivial.

2) Sentients by design have Adaptation - and the diminishing returns on recasting adheres to the adaptive nature of the enemy.

This is not intended to change the way Stasis interacts with other enemy factions.

Fifth: For our Console Tenno, everything listed above will also be included in the launch of Operation: Scarlet Spear on PS4, XB1, and Switch. This means the following:

  • Operation: Scarlet Spear will run for a total of 5 weeks once live on consoles.
  • The Ground Assault and Murex Raid Scoring changes will be live on launch.
  • Rare and Legendary Arcanes will be available in Little Duck's store in the Flotillas on launch.
  • Fixes galore!

General Scarlet Spear Changes & Fixes

  • Added a 'Waiting for Satellite' UI line when players are in the Murex Raid with their Oplinks down but have neglected to place the Satellite first. A few cases of 'not receiving codes' were a result of user error that this should fix.
  • Increased the Sentient AI count per player when Defending Oplinks in the Murex Raid mission. Previously the number of spawns didn't match up with how many players there were in the squad, and oftentimes there was nothing to Defend against. This should feel more to scale with the number of squadmates present.
  • The Flotilla Instance number now displays alongside the Flotilla progress at the center hologram of the Flotilla.
  • Murex Raid Score is now shown in the mission UI just as it is in the Ground Assault mission.
  • Players that have not completed the activation of their Railjack (via Reliquary Key) will no longer be allowed to Host the Murex Raid mission, due to conflicting objectives occurring while playing.
  • Potential fix for players sometimes not uploading their scores, resulting in no placement on the Flotilla leaderboards and no rewards at the end of the Murex Wave. We've also integrated some internal tracking to better determine the cause of this issue if it continues to happen.
  • Fixed Solo player squad mission status not being wiped when exiting mission to return to the Flotilla, which resulted in seeing your name in one of the active squads for a Ground/Murex mission.
  • Fixed a case of players ending up in Scarlet Spear Flotilla 0, even though they were invited to a different Flotilla.
  • Fixed a case of being in the incorrect Flotilla when inviting a player post Ground/Murex mission. This could result in numerous issues such as not being connected to the Flotilla chat and inability to form a squad with a player from the same Flotilla.
  • Fixed the UI incorrectly stating that you were 'Sending Kill Codes' when an Oplink is deployed in a Murex Raid. It will now properly state that you're 'Awaiting Kill Codes'.
  • Potential fix for having no objective when starting a Murex Raid.
  • Potential fix for receiving a 'Mission Failed' screen during a Murex Raid if the Flotilla reached 100/100.
  • Fixed Little Duck's Murex Wave Ending Inbox not indicating the difference between a successful versus failed Murex drive off. In some cases this was causing confusion as to why Victory Payout was not being received, when in reality the Flotilla they participated in did not successfully meet the 100/100 goal. There are still cases where Victory Payout did not work, but this should mitigate confusion.
  • Fixed Flotilla Instance not appearing in Flotilla UI after returning from a Ground/Murex mission.
  • Fixed a game hitch every time you received a transmission during a Ground/Murex mission. We're still chasing some hitching transmissions but this fix should solve a good amount of them.
  • Fixed sometimes spot-loading Railjack cosmetics when loading into a Murex Raid.
  • Fixed Oplinks placed by a squadmate who has disconnected lingering perpetually.
  • Fixed objective marker disappearing for squadmates who haven't caught up to the player who sped their way to the Condrix in the Ground Assault mission, leading to some players getting lost on their way to the Condrix.
  • Fixed Mag's Crush ability forcing the Condrix to close.
  • Potential fix for a back-to-back Host migration occurring due to the second Host attempting to catch up on rewards during the migration and thus migrating themselves.
  • Potential fix for a Host migration resulting in the next Condrix not spawning in the Ground Assault mission.
  • Fixed the Basmu Alt Fire mode not healing on reload.
  • Fixed Venari's Healing aura affecting the Oplink. The Oplink is intended to not be affected by Abilities.
  • Fixed the Murex II and Murex III Emblems using the Condrix II and Condrix III icons when viewed in Inventory.
  • Fixed a script crash that could occur if you were standing on a Railjack exit while travelling between locations.
  • Fixed script error that could occur when warping in your Railjack
  • Fixed a script error that occurred when your Railjack had a Hull Breach.
  • Fixed a script error when placing your Oplink in the Ground Assault mission.
  • Fixed numerous script errors when exiting an enemy Crewship.

General Changes:

  • Removed Umbra Forma Blueprint from the Rare Crate drops due to a security issue. Nightwave Series 3: Glassmaker will bring back Umbra Forma as a reward, and we are looking at more secure places to include it back into the droptable.
  • Clarified the Split Flight Mod to include 'Non-AOE Bows' in the description. This is to address that Split Flight cannot be equipped on the Lenz, Kuva Bramma, or Ivara's Artemis Bow.


  • Fixed Gara's Mass Vitrify walls blocking Coildrives.
  • Fixed weapons losing function until you land if the Shedu is equipped while in Archwing and you attempt to switch weapons.
  • Fixed melee magnetism not functioning with Titania's Diwata in Razorwing.
  • Fixed a rare crash when a zone gets destroyed (Sanctuary Onslaught, etc) in the same frame as a connectivity update.
  • Fixed Venari's Healing aura affecting Defense Targets.
  • Fixed the Preparation Mod not functioning if you have no extra Mod Capacity. As reported here:
  • Fixed losing Melee functionality after Deploying then swapping the Dual Decurions.
  • Fixed your Warframe spinning endlessly if exiting the Arsenal while previewing a weapon with a controller.
  • Fixed the Drimper Moa Bracket appearing incorrectly when viewed in Legs' Offerings.
  • Fixed the Partner MR Locked message when Trading not stating the Mastery Rank. It will now appear as 'PARTNER <MASTERY_RANK> LOCKED'.
  • Fixed weapon 'Damage Total' in the Arsenal not appearing for weapons with only one Damage type but can be affected by multishot.
  • Fixed minor issue in Arsenal Upgrade screen where the stats scrollbar would be out of bounds if you had scrolled to the bottom of a long list of stats and then removed Mods to remove a large amount of those stats.
  • Fixed a material mismatch between Nova Atomica's Helmet and body.
  • Fixed Prisma Latron Armor being misaligned when equipped on Nova's Atomica Skin.
  • Fixed script error if you were upgrading a weapon from Arsenal, then accepted a Trade invite and tried to select Mods to Trade.
  • Fixed a script error when a Host migration occurred in a Survival mission.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when playing a Defection mission.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when playing an Infested Salvage mission on Eris.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to play the Shawzin.
  • Fixed a script error when using Fireworks.

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