Auf der Xbox One und der PlayStation 4 gab es bereits ein Update auf die Version 1.2 für Assassin's Creed Syndicate, das unter anderem einige Performance-Verbesserungen mit sich brachte. Nun wird auch der PC bedient: Der Patch 1.21 steht ab dem 1. Dezember 2015 zum Download bereit und soll eine Größe zwischen 440 und 510 Megabyte auf.
Neben den Performance-Verbesserungen behebt die Aktualisierung auch diverse Grafikfehler und überarbeitet die Benutzeroberfläche. Außerdem kommt es zu Fehlerbehebungen bei den Vehikeln, den Missionen und einzelnen Spielsystemen. Und auch die Nicht-Spieler-Charaktere und ihre Künstliche Intelligenz sollen verbessert worden sein.
Nachfolgend die kompletten Patchnotes:
- Fixed infinite loading screen in Sequence 7.
- Fixed several geometry explosion and missing geometry issues.
- Fixed various render issues.
- Fixed several online issues.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Fixed an issue where there was no rating for the final mission
- Fixed an issue where the lip-sync was not synchronized with the cinematics
- Fixed an issue where the subtitles weren't exactly matching the audio
- Fixed some issues with some audio missing or being played incorrectly
- Fixed some collisions issues for carriages and trains
- Fixed some spawning issues with the vehicles
- Fixed some popping issues
- Improved reactions for the allies
- Improved reactions for NPC on the ground
- Improved reactions for NPC on carts and trains
- Improved navigation for NPC
Game System
- Fixed some issues with the replay system
- Fixed some balancing issues
- Fixed an issue where the gun might be missing in the inventory after acquiring it in the "Whitechapel Conquest" mission
- Fixed an unlocking issue with the Train Raids
- Fixed an issue with the "Artisan" Trophy/Achievement
- The Time Anomaly icon was increased to have a better visibility on the map
- Fixed some issues with the messages for the mission in the HUD
- Fixed some icon issues
- Fixed some lighting issues
- Fixed some low resolution and corrupted texture issues
- Fixed some level of detail issues
- Fixed issues with props in the world
- Fixed some issues during fights with NPCs
- Fixed issues with counter attacks
- Fixed some camera issues
- Fixed an issue in the Fight Club
- Fixed an issue where the player could not enter the Time Anomaly mission
- Fixed some issues with the mission objectives and secondary constraints not updating properly
- Fixed issues with the fast travel
- Fixed some issues where the missions could be blocked after some cinematics
- Fixed some issues with Crawford Starrick in the last mission, "A Night To Remember"
- Fixed some issues with the coerce system
- Fixed some issues with the cover system
- Fixed some issues with the parkour and navigation
- Fixed some animation issues
- Fixed some camera issues
- Fixed some issues with the rope launcher
- Fixed an issue where the player could sometimes fall under the map
- Improved performance and stability
Mehr zum Spiel:Syndicate macht (fast) alles besser als Unity
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