Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne - Patch 4.1b zum Download

Der Patch 4.1b für das Strategiespiel-Addon Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne verbessert unter anderem die KI.

Paradox Interactive hat den Patch 4.1b für das Strategiespiel-Addon Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne veröffentlicht. Das Update nimmt unter anderem Änderungen am Interface vor und verbessert die Gegner-KI. Die vollständigen Patch-Notes finden Sie unterhalb dieser Meldung.

Patch-Notes für Europa Universalis 3: Heir to the Throne v4.1b

  • Dynamic names of countries will now be seen on the map as its zoomed out, adapting to borders as they change.
  • Large overhaul of the Holy Roman Empire, with benefits to those that stay members, and penalties on those trying to wreck it.
  • Dozens of major gameplay enhancements, including reinforcing mercenaries, possibility for local naval supremacy, and possibility to annex countries with more than one province.
  • Lots of improvements to the AI, providing a more challenging experience for the veteran users.
  • Several Interface improvements, including more detailed information for military units and details on the Imperial elections.

Größe: 4,5 MByte
Sprache: Deutsch

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