TT Games und Warner Bros. haben den mittlerweile dritten Patch für die Early-Access-Version von Lego Worlds veröffentlicht. Das Update auf die Version 0.40 steht ab sofort zum Download bereit und soll diverse Fehler im Spiel beheben.
Explizit genannt werden Probleme mit der Fahrzeug-Kamera und dem Rendering. Außerdem sollen diverse Stabilitäts- und Absturz-Probleme behoben worden sein. Und auch neue Quests für bestimmte Charaktere (nach deren Freischaltung) gibt es.
Hinzu kommen eine verbesserte Skybox, Verbesserungen an der Fahrzeug-Kamera und verbesserte Item-Beschreibungen.
LEGO Worlds v0.40 Patch-Notes
Major Bug Fixes
- Various Stability/Crash Fixes
- Updated localised strings
- Fixed rare Occurrence where player was able to tag away from the playable character
- Fixed an issue with coastline generation
- Fixed a render issue with certain brick types on low/medium graphical settings
- Fixed Alt+Tabbing causing loss of camera controls
- Fixed to slope matching not functioning correctly with terrain tools in certain cases
- Fixed WASD keys still registering inputs when game is running in windowed mode and not focused
- Fixed corruption of water terrain on front-end world preview on certain machines
- Fixed camera not following or rotating correctly with chase mode enabled
- Fixed some cases where 2-core CPU's stall when using certain terrain tools
- We're aware of the issue that is causing this and will continue to address this in future patches.
Minor Fixes/Tweaks
- Mouse wheel zoom is now more granular
- Resolved an issue where player could place props above ground, resulting in floating props
- Resolved a problem where manual deletion of single bricks wasn't registering in 100% of cases
- Fixes to various Gingerbread man animations
- Drowning no longer makes you immune to drowning
- Resolved an issue with camera not returning to player focus when completing a quest
- Death Debris added to various creatures
- Corrected a problem with the mini-map that caused caves not to appear
- Underwater VFX should no longer appear on-land
- Player heart colour will no longer quickly flash between blue/red when at water surface level
- Fixed rare issue where prop debris would float upwards if there was a water volume above it's location
- In-game Save & Exit option now returns you to the main menu rather than to the title screen
- Fixed a problem with looping Bicycle audio dropping out at odd intervals
- Undo option in Brick-by-Brick menu now has audio underwater
- Fixed duplication of items in certain animations
- Selecting a prop that contains an inventory item then cancelling or exiting out of placement mode no longer leaves the prop floating in the air
- Volume of certain ambient night themes has been adjusted
- "Clear All Discoveries" should no longer ignore certain models
- Texture update to the Elephant
- Adjustments to cave generation algorithms
- Undo/Redo should now function correctly when affecting edits made by the Smooth Terrain tool
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