MGS 5: The Phantom Pain - November-Update mit neuen Waffen und mehr

Am 10. November 2015 veröffentlicht Konami das große November-Update für das Actionspiel Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Darin sind unter anderem neue Waffen sowie weitere FOB-Sicherheitsoptionen enthalten.

Das November-Update für Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain steht kurz vor dem Release. Das November-Update für Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain steht kurz vor dem Release.

Noch im Verlauf des heutigen Tages wird Konami das große November-Update für Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain veröffentlichen. Bereits jetzt sind Details zu den zahlreichen Änderungen und Neuerungen bekannt.

So wird es unter anderem neue Objekte und Waffen für die Entwicklung der FOBs (Forward Operating Base) geben. Außerdem ist es künftig möglich eine dritte Basis zu errichten und sie mit neuen Sicherheitsgeräten auszurüsten. Des Weiteren wird bei der Invasion einer feindlichen Basis fortan das Schleichen eine direktere Auswirkung auf das Spielgeschehen haben. Hinzu kommen Erweiterungen bei den Hilfsfunktionen für Anfänger, um ihnen den Einstieg etwas zu erleichtern.

Mehr:Schlange + Sandkasten = Riesenspaß - Der Test von Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Hier eine Übersicht aller Neuerungen:

New Look for the PF Rating Screen

  • PF Rating-Related Event Also Coming Soon! This update features changes to the user interface of the PF Rating screen, such as revised displays of the factors contributing to your PF’s overall strength. With this better understanding of your PF’s status, you’ll have all the necessary intel to get the most out of FOB missions, etc. And once the updated UI is in place, look forward to a PF Rating Event scheduled for November 2015!
  • Added information: Force durability, nuclear weapons owned, and more!
  • Rating boundaries are now easier to understand too!

Get Ready for a New Level of Gear Grade 8! Online Development Also Added

  • The update also features new weapons and items to help turn missions in your favor. Following on from the addition of the current highest development grade (Grade 7), you will now be able to develop Grade 8 equipment as well.
  • What’s more, these will be treated as online development items, so their development will continue even while you are away from your game system or PC. You can even use MB Coins to shorten the development time.
  • New equipment: AM MRS-4R[?7] (a Grade 7 5.56mm assault rifle); WU S.PISTOL CB[?8] (a Grade 8 tranquilizer handgun); KABARGA-83[?8] (Grade 8 automatic shotgun that boasts upgraded stopping power and a high-capacity magazine)

Protect Your FOBs From Invasion

New Security Devices Added! There’s never a chance to relax when your FOBs could come under attack at any time, but now, some of the best ever security devices are here to put your mind at ease. All of the newly-added security devices are online development items, so their development will continue even while you are away from your game system or PC. You can even use MB Coins to shorten the development time.

Anti-Reflex Research

Added as a Medical Team Unit Function The unit function Anti-Reflex Research” is newly added to the Medical Team. The higher your Medical Team’s level gets, the shorter an invader’s Reflex Mode time will be.

Stealth Mode Will Now Have an Effect in FOB Infiltrations

  • Go Unseen by Enemy Searches! While infiltrating a rival’s FOB, using Stealth Mode (pressing the Action Button while prone) will cause your Predicted FOM (field of movement) to disappear from the defending player’s iDroid, and the defending Intel Team will also be unable to search out your general location.
  • Stealth mode hides your predicted FOM (red circle) from the defender.

The Long-Awaited FOB 3 is Finally Unlocked

  • You can now give your PF a huge boost by constructing a third FOB. With the resulting major increases in max. staff capacity, you can look forward to unit functions being upgraded across the board.

For All Newcomers to the Game: Rookie and Beginner Functions Expanded

  • From now on, it will be easier for players to obtain the “Chicken Hat” and “Lil’ Chick Hat” (awarded to those who repeatedly fail a mission).
  • For those having trouble with a difficult mission, or players who don’t have the knack for action games, these items will be a significant help.
  • Also, a “Rookie Assist Function” is added to Espionage Ratings (the results of FOB Missions).
  • This function prevents rookie players from losing Espionage Points when they fail at FOB invasions or defenses.

Other Update Details

  • Other small refinements have been made to various elements of the game, including balance adjustments and bug fixes.
  • The top rankings for PF Rating and Espionage Rating will now be displayed.
  • Whereas until now only resources in your offline inventory could be sold, from now on your online inventory can also be sold.
  • The issue with certain DLC uniform equipment not having its advertised effect is now fixed.
  • In-game notifications of events and other news have been improved.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Test-Video zum Stealth-Hit Video starten 11:54 Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Test-Video zum Stealth-Hit

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