Tyranny - Patch 1.02 behebt Quest- und Gameplay-Fehler

Obsidian Entertainment hat dem Fantasy-Rollenspiel Tyranny einen weiteren Patch spendiert. Die Aktualisierung auf die Version 1.02 bringt zahlreiche Fehlerbehebungen mit sich.

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Das Fantasy-Rollenspiel Tyranny hat seinen zweiten Patch erhalten: Das Update auf die Version 1.02 steht ab sofort zum Download bereit und ist etwa 300 Megabyte groß.

Mit sich bringt die Aktualisierung vorrangig Fehlerbehebungen im Bereich der Quests und des Gameplays. Wer die Story-Kampagne noch nicht durchgespielt hatte, sollte allerdings auf die Lektüre der Patch-Notes verzichten - sie enthalten einige Spoiler.

Behoben werden unter anderem einige Fehler, die zu Spielabstürzen führten. Außerdem gibt es Verbesserungen für das asynchrone Laden von Dateien beim Spielstart.

Die Patchnotes für Update 1.02 (Spoiler!)


  • Allied faction representatives should be present in Ascension Hall toward the end of the game when sided with the rebel groups, regardless of if you have responded to Bleden Mark.
  • The battle with Nerat will end properly after his ending speech if you choose to engage him in battle.
  • »Armies of the North« should now be given to you after killing Nerat last.
  • Players who kill Bleden Mark and then earn Tunon's submission will no longer be offered fealty by the ghost of Bleden Mark.
  • »That Which Remains« will update appropriately when shooting the winch and defeating the Unbroken enemies.
  • The Forge in Lethian's Crossing is open after traversing the Oldwalls and returning to Lethian's Crossing.
  • While on »In the Shadow of the Oldwall«, Welby should appear in the proper location in Twin Rivers.
  • »At Any Cost« will progress appropriately if you have become the Prima of the Stonestalkers before betraying your alliances and continuing forward without any allied factions.
  • Bleden Mark's conversations will continue appropriately even when you have the same level of Wrath and Favor with the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus.
  • Oath Bound units can be engaged properly in Duskwatch.
  • Red Fang will talk to the player after a player allied with the Scarlet Chorus betrays their alliance and goes to Gulfglow looking for the Azure Shield.
  • Acalia will progress the »Language of the Ancients« quest after moving from Effigy to the Burning Library.
  • Kallion remembers the state of his sister at the end of »Blind Ambition.«
  • Non-combat dialog choices with Kalea now grant the »Blind Ambition« quest as well.
  • Player who betrayed Jagged Remedy can now advance quest »Bound by Blade« by attacking Mattias in Trapper's Junction.
  • Osmios will no longer kill Agathon in »Into the Maelstrom«
  • Players who recruited multiple factions due to an earlier issue can now progress using their existing save.
  • Stonestalkers will help player seeking their alliance fight Earthshakers in Howling Rock.
  • Earthshakers now attempt to continue ritual during raid on their Howling Rock fortress.
  • Garrick no longer thanks player for stealing his tools.
  • Eb will no longer tell a player who betrayed the rebels which rebel groups they might recruit.
  • Irentis and his soldiers will now aid an allied player who chose to help him in fighting the Scarlet Chorus.
  • An objective in the quest »Forge-Bound Iron« no longer incorrectly refers to the defeat of Matani Sybil.
  • During the Battle of Duskwatch, Agathon will have friends when fighting players allied with the Disfavored.

Text Fixes:

  • Numerous typos addressed.
  • Multiple localization improvements.
  • Ulantis text finalized.
  • Clarified tooltip for Eb's »Purifying Waters« ability.
  • Clarified tooltip for Sirin's »Song of Benediction« ability.

Gameplay Fixes:

  • Multiple crashes reported by the community should no longer occur.
  • Multiple instances of loot containers that previously did not appear lootable now do.
  • Numerous minor fixes to enemy presentation in specific scenes.
  • Player can now use skills to release Disfavored in Rust Canyons.
  • Liberating Plainsgate from the Chorus now requires killing all members of that faction present.
  • The World Map is accessible from Ironhaul Trail while allied with the Disfavored.
  • Eb's »Terratus Embrace« ability will exit properly if companions try to switch weapons while in mid-air.
  • Eb will speak with player in Act 3 even if she doesn't particularly like them.
  • Sirin will no longer forget Songs when loading a save.

Audio Fixes:

  • Numerous new audio cues added throughout game.
  • Correct music will now play after defeating a specific enemy.

Interface Fixes:

  • Saves should always be visible in save menu.
  • Added portraits to the store menu of several vendors.
  • Halfgate will no longer be referred to as Plainsgate in the Reputation Menu.

Programming Updates:

  • Reduced significant animation memory overhead.
  • Improved asynchronous loading of files at startup.

Art Book Update:

  • A typo has been fixed in an art book heading.

Eine Version der Patchnotes ohne Spoiler gibt es im offiziellen Forum des Publishers Paradox Interactive.

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